Tuesday, May 18, 2004

finally, i'm done with ss. 2dae's Lit paper was rather alright. but if we were given more time, i suppose i would be able to write more. was rushing through the unseen prose secion, and i wrote rather little for it. tt included the unseen poem too. but still, God is good. he's blessed me with enough points to exploit, and also the correct words to use so as to make my script comprehensive. thank you, jesus.

my dad seems so impatient lately. he hardly gets angry, but he seems bothered by sume certain unknown issues. think i'm gonna pray for him.

i hate guys who who are tone deaf. and tt guy is my bro. its disgusting. his voice bothers me. and he's i think either a cl or a co-cl, cos he leads worship occassionally. and tt occassionally is 2morrow. tt means i have to put up with his horrible off-key singing. i bet his cg members are also as tone deaf as he is. and its weird, he can nv hit the key of any song. even when i bring the key higher or lower. my bro is as clueless and hopeless in music. if one day, he could realli sing in tune and melodiously, that would had been the work of the holy spirit and not him.

God, pls let his singing fall on 'deaf ears'!


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