Thursday, February 03, 2005

a secret within a secret.

the whole lit thing has gotten so into me, and its affecting me so much now. im not crazy, but just sympathetic. im feeling grateful to ms tan for today's "dramatic episode' of k.o.t.c and it was really too good to be true. and if we're going to have another kind of exchange lit programma with st.nicks again, ms tan just has to present that little episode and i bet all those girls are going to be fighting to keep their tears back.

every detail just keeps playing itself over and over again in my mind, each time with a different image and sound. and the music, don't you think it prepares you for a spirit of grief and mourning towards that character. well, forgive me. but today's lit was just perfect.

so k.o.t.c has ended, and i don't wish to start on 12th night at all. i don't enjoy 12th night as much as i do with k.o.t.c, cos k.o.t.c is so much easier to identify and comprehend. basically, feeling for that very dysfunctional 'family' was much easier than the 'royals'.

i guess the next time we study for out txt, all we have to do is play Songs from a Secret Garden and we'd be able to feel more for the character. and yes, they do evoke such provocative emotions.

well, maybe.

how much do we trust?
or was it already broken?


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