Thursday, June 24, 2004

enough of my damned bro. jus 2 words for him: _ _ _ _ off.

yeay, drums was great! learned this new beat, called the paraleader. its rather easy, but trying to mix them with the different variations was tough initially. til we had sume demo. i think my hands are lyke kinda short. felt extremely uncomfortable when doing the paraleader. it was rather awkard streting from the snare to the hi-tom, low-tom and even the floor-tom. though the floor-tom was only beside the snare.

but i doubt we'll use that beat often too. cos its actually a realli rock and roll beat. different era. wanna go to sume library soon to get sume books on drums. can learn sume skills ourselves too. i'm lyke so desperate to form a band or sumething. i mean if you think abt it carefully, wad's the use of learning drums when you cun do anything abt it after acquiring the skills.

i feel lyke serving in my church's ywam as a drummer, if say i were to put wad i learn into practise. or maybe lyke wad liwei said, be part of his church musician team. i wouldn't mind seriosly. as long as i get to play. but realli, wad's the use of learning when you keep all the skills to urself rite. so its either you bring sume beat to the lives of others, make ur own music(form ur own band) or dun learn at all.

but then again, our band to be maybe, has only drummers? drums cun bring much to music, other than its beat. i think its realli cool to be part of a band, cos we can all jam 2gether. esp jamming 2gether with frens that you realli trust the most.

'if music be the food of *life, play on/ Give me excess of it, that, surffeiting/ The appettite may sicken and so die.' -Orsino, Twelfth Night (edited)

*edited: love

but no, i'm not talking about love. take it to its literal meaning.


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