Wednesday, July 07, 2004

lame joke of the day: why did the catholics and protestants fight over the fish issue?

-looks over at sihong- brett allen whiteway sure looks better with his ear ring on. man, i shall nv sing along to eamon's (fuck it) i don't want you back. sucha nice song, not the obscenities of course. but its drumb rite, to think that i'll be lyke sinning big time jus by singing that song. esp, the chorus!

urrghhhs! i so want to pon skool 2morrow, since we wun be getting back our papers only on thurs. and even if i dun make it to skool, i can still get my contacts. was thinking. if we needed only their no's, why not jus go up to them and them ask them straight away for their no's and at the same time maybe invite them down for service. since the surveys has nothing to do at all pple coming for service. we jus need their no's.

my throat is so killing me. after effects of the fugly satay penging.

guffly ass. our skools' mega project a.k.a enterprenuer carnival falls on the 17th of june. so sickening! and moley, sinhui and cyrstal is involved. man... now here i am wondering whether its the both of them who's veri involved with skool activities, or am i the one who's always going m.i.a when it comes to skool activities. but anyway, our skool is always so f.o.c

ans: cos Fisherman's Friend took it all.


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