Sunday, August 06, 2006

thank god for SABBATHS

this week's finally coming to an end. cheers to all the hardworking people. we deserve 2 days of SABBATHS at least.

i like rewarding myself with alcohol, especially after a long tiring week. but it feels like guilty pleasure indulging in a bottle of drink straight after church service.

bought this drink that was a mix of green tea with whisky. tasted quite good after a while, but before that i thgt it tasted horrible. the dumbest thing that happened was that i had forgotten to check for its alcohol content before paying, and realised it only after half the bottle was gone.

plus you know what happens when you drink on an empty and have a low resistance for alcohol.
could barely focus my eyes on anything after that. then accompanied crystal for dinner at subway. she tortures me by making me turn my head quickly to look at people she spots. overall im proud that at least when im all 'tipsy' i don't go around sprouting nonsense or laughing like some mad person. i just take a very long time to react to things and speak in a long slurred way.

normalcy returned after about an hour or so.

end of alcohol diary.


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